What is peer support?

Peer Support is a structured relationship where a trained worker or volunteer, who has gone through a process of recovery, assists other people with mental health issues to identify and achieve life goals as part of their own recovery process.

Peer Supporters provide mentorship, emotional support, problem solving, goal setting, crisis risk assessment, and referrals to other community supports. Peer Supporters promote empowerment and self determination through non-judgmental listening and person-centred goal setting.

Peer Support Opportunities at MHRC

What do people have to say about peer support?

 Thank you and all the staff at MHRC , I enjoyed the peer supporter training and practicum that I received at your organization. The training was very therapeutic and I believe that anyone would benefit from taking the training, whether it be for professional or personal reasons. I felt that I learned not only how to help others but essentially how to help myself. I will continue to recommend this training to fellow co-workers and clients alike as this training was extremely helpful in both my professional and personal life.

- Carolina Bartholomew



Links of interest

External link opens in new tab or windowGuidelines for the Practice of Peer Support  (pdf) Mental Health Commission of Canada

External link opens in new tab or windowPeer Support Canada (formerly Peer Support Accreditation and Certification Canada PSACC) website

External link opens in new tab or windowJourneys: A Peer Support Primer (pdf) Mental Health Rights Coalition

External link opens in new tab or windowGuidelines for Recovery Oriented Practice(pdf) Mental Health Commission of Canada

Here is a great External link opens in new tab or windowintroduction to the Canadian Recovery Oriented Practice Guidelines (pdf) which can provide an overview and a different perspective

External link opens in new tab or windowA National Framework for Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services(pdf) Australian Health Minister`s Advisory Council (Our guidelines were actually developed from Australian guidelines)

External link opens in new tab or windowPrinciples of Recovery Oriented Mental Health Practice (pdf) Australia - a nice quick set of guidelines

External link opens in new tab or windowRecovery Oriented Language Guide (pdf) Mental Health Coordinating Council Australia

External link opens in new tab or windowTherapeutic Relationships from Hospital to Community (pdf) Cheryl Forchuck et al